
Moonlight run with LtD Caribbean Sailing School

What do you do on a Super Full Moon when you are not running a Caribbean sailing school?

Well, you grab your headlamp, throw on your running shoes (if you have them) and hitch a ride to the latest Hash House Harriers event. Hmmm….what’s that got to do with a Caribbean sailing school? Staying fit is always important – especially on sailboats! And if you can have fun at the same time, even better! We heard about “hashing” while talking to some cruisers at the marina. Curious? You see, there is this group of drinkers with a running problem and they started a “support” group in Grenada – Grenada Hash House Harriers. Basically, this group goes out running (or walking) on a different trail every Saturday. The trick is that there is no real trail, they just make it up that day!  We’re in! Chris even went in flip-flops – BONUS! It was a beautiful night during the Super Full moon! We started out under a gigantic mango tree just as the moon started peeking through the branches.

Here’s how it went:

Grenada Hash House Harriers
Welcome Hashers!


Giant Mango Tree
Waiting at the gigantic mango tree for the run to start.


Hashing with a Caribbean sailing school
Chris’s running shoes!


Hashing with a Caribbean sailing school
Off we go, into the jungle…


Hiking with a Caribbean sailing school
“It sure is dark out here!”


Hiking with a Caribbean sailing school
There”s a cow! I heard it AND I stepped in a cow pie!


LtD Sailing


hiking with a Caribbean Sailing school
Ah! Back at the Mango Tree after hiking through the jungle!


Chicken, fish & fries for $10 EC
Chicken, fish & fries for only $10 EC – that’s $3.75 USD! Oh, and BEER!


Caribbean sailing school goes hashing
The first time hashers huddle up for the  “de-virginization” ceremony


Hiking with a Caribbea Sailing school
Chris survives the de-virginization ceremony. Does he look different?


Chris Rundlett
Here’s Chris with his official certificate – suitable for framing! Good job!

There are usually over 200 participants at the Grenada Hash House Harrier events. Everyone had a great time dancing in the moonlight feeling warm and right! Why don’t you come with us on Saturday? Oh, and be sure to wear new shoes. It’s an extra special HONOR for anyone who wears new shoes!!! ON ON!

Here’s the link to the Grenada Hash House Harriers:  http://www.grenadahash.com/


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