Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning “revelation”, “an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling”.
Well, now that you put it that way!
With the world opening up again, LTD Sailing will be putting procedures in place to help keep our students as safe as possible. In addition to any protocal that Grenada will impose on us, we would like to add the following:
- Small groups
- Hand sanitizer
- Gloves available
- Frequent disinfecting of common areas
- Trash removal daily
- Disinfectant soap for frequent hand washing
- Limit public exposure
- Social distancing at restaurants & public areas
- LTD Sailing bandana or face masks issued to each student
- Lots of sunshine & fresh air!
Grenada has done very well managing this pandemic. (That is such a horrible word – yet, here we are!) They acted fast and furious and for that we are truly grateful! I think about all the freedom we took for granted and my eyes are wide open to a new normal. The scariest part of this whole experience is the unknown. Once we got over the shock of being closed down, we got to work making things better and planning for the future.
Countires all over the world were calling for ex-pats to return home. There was a lot of pressure to return NOW or plan to stay indefinatley. We watched as many of our friends left the island. In fact, the local medical school evacuated 6000 students on private planes in one weekend. It was a lonely feeling. But at the same time, we felt that we were in it together. This is our home. Grenada is an amazing place and we want to continue to share these anchorages, these beaches , this island lifestyle with all of you.
If you have any suggestions about how we can help you going forward, please let us know. We are excited to get out on the water again and hope to see you soon!
Sweet Grenada, this is home!